Colors......Probably God's best invention you can say. God did not think about it in the beginning. Everything was either black or white initially with God's creation. Then HE got bored with the colors and decided to experiment and came up with 3 primary colors, RED, BLUE and GREEN. God was so happy.

Homo -Sapiens being Homo-Sapiens decided to carry forward God's legacy of color. They decided to mingle pleasure with experimentation to get new colors. So you had black homo-sapien banging white homo-sapien to produce brown homo-sapien. This followed with Brown homo-sapien copulating with white homo-sapien to produce the yellow homo-sapien. The yellow and the white fell in love and produced the pink homo-sapien. .................. Damn it!!!! God had never thought that these homo-sapiens were as promiscuous as the bloody rats. They seem to be copulating every other minute and producing a newer shade of homo-sapiens.
Over time, homo-sapiens developed a new term for the colors and called it "OFF Color" God was stumped by this new term when he read about this new color in the Times of Heaven. Everything has a color. Off Color, what might be that, he was pondering about it over his morning steaming cuppa of SomRas. He decided to come down to earth and check out this new color as well as see the progress of the homo-sapiens. He drove his heaven manufactured 108 valve Heavencedes to earth and parked in front of a paint shop selling paints for houses.
He walked in nonchalantly and started observing the color charts showing different colors. He fainted nearly when he realized, homo-sapiens now had 49 different shades for his favourite white color. When God had invented white it was achromatic, technically not a color in the true sense. When an object does not absorb any of the colors in the light spectrum and all of the reflected colors combine, we perceive white. Here he was seeing FORTY NINE shades of white. There was white, vanilla white, Lilly white, snow white, ice white, winter white, ivory white, afterglow white, almond blossom white, amber white, egg white............. No doubt, God was feeling dizzy and looked pale white as if he had seen a ghost. A little girl in the paint store who had tagged along with her mummy saw God and said to her mummy, I want my room to be the ghostly shade of white that this man (GOD) is. Before the shop keeper turned around to check on the white the little one was referring, God had to make a hasty exit, fearing that homo-sapiens might perform some experiments on him and color him.
He decided he needed some fresh air and walked outside on the boulevard. He saw a man selling Saree's. The shop keeper was showcasing his wares and telling the customers that there's a new Saree he had in stock, which not only had exotic embroidery but of exotic color. God's ears pricked at the sound of exotic color. He decided to check the exotic color. The shop keeper spread a Saree which was blue in color and said it was the latest shade of PERIWINKLE. There were aahs!! and oohs!!! emanating from the crowd in the shop. God was flummoxed, it was plain simple blue and he decided to take matters into own hand and spoke aloud but this is just plain BLUE.
A hush prevailed into the shop just like a cold wind enters a warm house. Then all of a sudden, he could hear murmurs of disapproval from the customers and the shop keeper gave him a look of utmost contempt. All eyes were on him. He felt just like he had felt when as a kid he had failed to answer a question in Brahma's tuition classes and all the other God's and Demons had made fun of him. A young female of the homo-sapien species turned around and said, "Don't you have any color sense, this is Periwinkle. Take two thirds fuchsia, one twelfth mauve, ninety eight seven hundred fifty sevenths brown, and one half blue and what does that give you?" God was taken aback and offered a weak, PERIWINKLE

God, now felt like an outcast in his own playground, The Earth. I mean he owned the bat, the ball and the pads and yet no one was willing to play cricket with him. He was a social misfit. What will happen of him? His Red, Blue and Green had meta morphed into these monsters like Hydra. You chop one head off and you get two more equally potent head. Similarly you try to remember the name of one color and homo-sapiens invent two more the next day.
PS: I was prompted to write this story, because I go through this ordeal each time I go out to shop with my wife......Dedicated to you wifey.......and yes, I still cannot comprehend the color "rani-pink"
good one.....I totally agree...but I must say God should know these types of things would happen....HE created a creature and till date unable to understand what kind of that creature is....guess...who....EVE...;-)