Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Boss and The Flat Tyre

I had become a Team Leader, but it was just a designation that allowed others to hold me responsible for all the evils plaguing the project. Nevertheless I was happy about it and called up my parents to tell them about it. My Dad, though happy for me said he wanted me to listen to a story before I hung up. This is a story my father had recounted to me when I had become a Team Lead for the first time. The story taught me a lot and I follow it in my everyday life. Its a true story of none other than Ratan Tata.


One of Mr. Ratan N Tata's first assignments was the stewardship of the ailing electronics company in the Tata portfolio - Nelco.

Story goes that a team of senior managers from Nelco was driving to Nasik along with RNT. Halfway into the journey, the car had a flat tyre, and as the driver pulled up, the occupants - including Mr. Tata - got off for a comfort break, leaving only the driver to replace the tyre.

Some of the managers welcomed the forced break, as it allowed them a much-needed chance to light up a smoke. Some used the opportunity to stretch, and smile, and share a joke. And then, one of them suddenly noticed that Mr. Tata was not to be seen, and wondered aloud where Ratan Tata might have vanished.

While his colleagues were taking a break, Ratan Tata was busy helping the driver change tyres. Sleeves rolled up, tie swatted away over the shoulder, the hands expertly working the jack and the spanner, bouncing the spare tyre to check if the tyre pressure was ok. Droplets of sweat on the brow, and a smile on the face.

In that moment, the managers accompanying Ratan Tata got a master class in leadership they haven't forgotten. And that's a moment that the driver of that car probably hasn't forgotten either.

Ideas for action:
Practise leadership in small things
Seek to find opportunities to lead in everyday moments.
Build your leadership skills, one baby step at a time.

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