Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
My Tryst with Weed
Reminiscing the old days…..Part fiction part true………. whatever name you know a great hallucinogen.....
Q: What is Reality?
A: An illusion caused by a lack of good weed.
Since time’s been used by mankind and even the supermen.....By supermen...I am pointing my fingers to Lord he was a connoisseur of Ganja..... Probably it cooled him off...there by saving the world from further destruction from his wrath.....for he was the Destroyer of the trinity of God's in Hindu Mythology.
Anyways...Grass is considered to be a drug now and you find only drug addicts using it now.....Parents will forgive their children if they find a fag....but if you are caught with grass...then you are a goner....As a result of this belief....I never got a chance to try grass in college.....However ....I ultimately did get my chance when I was in NOIDA....working for BSL....This is my story of that fateful morning when I had grass for the first time.....
We used to be four guys living together in a huge four bedroom Penthouse apartment on the 7th floor in NOIDA. Our address was Flat - P5, Gourav Adhikari Appartments....and we were known as the P5 denizens.....Let me name the denizens for my readers benefit.....They were
~ Sab
~ Deb
~ Pan
~ Sri (yours truly)
We had an arrangement where in every Friday all four of us would get together in the night and drink....thereby ensuring an awesome start to an awesome weekend.... However suddenly our weekly routine came under danger as work pressure forced us to stay in office quiet late.....We decided to compensate for the loss of the booze binge sessions by having something more potent....and we zeroed in on Grass....

The excitement was palpable in the the first of the corrupt fags was lit by Deb.....he took a long drag and passed it on to Pan....Pan being Pan....took 4-5 quick drags....blowing out rings of smoke....Passed to Sab....he took one long drag...longer than humanly possible....Sab was hooked to Wills Flake ciggs....the cheapest cigg with a I assumed that this weed fag was probably a slight notch higher than his regular poison.....Finally I got the weed fag in my hands....(I was a junior amongst my I got it last as usual...damn seniors)....anyways...I took a drag....but did not feel much...then I tried out another drag..and this time...the room which was actually a huge one....was reeking of the smell of grass.....No one was talking much....we were waiting for the first victim to do something funny....but it seemed two fags had not done it yet.....The third was lit.....
Deb said..he was feeling a slow blood rush...Pan said his ears were feeling hot.....I said...i had started feeling giddy....but Sab...he just stood up and said..."Nah...nothing...I can have 2 more...ALONE"...... The alone was then and there he was crowned the king of Weed among the P5 denizens....Boys have this habit of one up-manship....and one of them has to be crowned the king.....Little did we know...that our king was standing on shaky ground......lolz
King Sab....lit a weed fag and started drawing from it....alone..but after just two drags...he passed on the fag to me stating that he needs to go to the loo....By that time...Pan and Deb had given up and I was happily on the nearly pristine weed fag which Sab had given me.....King sent across a loud sigh and farted even more loudly.....Boys again have this habit...of farting as loudly as possible and then acting nonchalant....but today King was in a generous mood and said it was indeed him who had farted and since he was the king...we were better off listening to the kings fart......King went to the attached bathroom in his bedroom to sit in his Pot throne .....We could hear him humming a song as he went about doing whatever people do in the morning in their pots...
Since Deb and Pan had already lost the plot as far as weed was considered.....we turned on FTV and started checking out anorexic models strutting their assets on the ramp....About 45 minutes had passed....and our King...had not yet be with his subjects....Deb called out aloud to see what he was up to....Maybe he was back in his bed....anyways...we forgot about it and started looking at the hotties on TV.....Finally after 15 minutes...we called out again...and again no response.....I coaxed Deb to go into his room to check on him....By this time...the weed had done its effect on me too...after all I had more than all of them now....Anyways...Deb went into the King's den and we heard a shout and then howls of laughter...he shouted at us to come over.....
Boy...were we in for a surprise sight....Deb was literally rolling on the ground clutching his stomach and laughing out....The King was sitting on his throne .....sans a single stitch of cloth...with a faraway look in his eyes.....and mumbling....."Band ho ja Sim Sim" to the door.....After the Hindi evocation.....the King....was saying now in pristine English....."Sesame Close"........ Our King is a person who never prefers English and prefers chaste he was talking in English...chanting out magical words...."Sesame Close"......Finally after we had finished laughing....we asked King...if he had used the throne...the king replied..."No he was waiting for the door to his cave to close so that he could count his gold coins"......Finally we coaxed the King...that he wasn't in Ali Baba's cave and he better come into his bedroom....Me and Pan finally carried him off the pot to his bed and plonked him there.....Deb was still laughing uncontrollably on the floor.....and the floor was freezing....
The exhaustion of carrying the King was too much for Pan....he snuggled into the bed along with King.....not bothering that King was still without a stitch of clothes.... I had not had enough of the weed or thats what I thought....until I found myself.... trying to light the lighter using the weed fag......By this time the weed had taken me to a high which I had not thought possible.....
I don't know...what happened next...and how I passed out.....I woke up finally at 6 PM in the evening....on the floor shivering like a leaf......The laptop was still playing...Bob Marley's eternal hit, 'Weed'. Deb was in a much worse position as he had rolled over into the bathroom from his earlier position outside the bathroom door....with still a smile pasted on his face......Pan and the King were found hugging each other on the bed.....the King still without a stitch of cloth.......After taking photographs of all of them for future blackmailing purpose....I woke all of them.....
That’s how my first experience with Weed was.....I can never forget those days....Long Live P5 and Three Cheers to the denizens of P5...... :) :)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Chenna Podo Recipe
I haven't been to my home in Orissa for a long long time and had been craving for this Chena Podo for quiet some time. No wife at home and another boring weekend staring at me, finally I decided to take up the cudgels and make myself some chena podo.... :)
A little history before the recipe. Chena Podo or Cheese Cake to my non-Oriya friends although an original traditional Oriya sweet was influenced by the Maratha rulers who ruled over Orissa for a short period of time. Traditionally it is fresh cheese which is cooked or rather baked after wrapping it in leaves and burying it underground. Hot coal or burning cowdung (in the olden days) used to be spread on top and the cheese used to bake as the sand around it got heated. Ingenious isn't it ???
Anyways the recipe is as follows:
Milk - 2 Liters
Vinegar - 1/2 cup
Cashews - 50 gms
Raisins - 50 gms
Sugar - 1.5 cup
Semolina/Sooji - 25 gms
Ice cube- 5 cubes
Oil/Ghee - 2 teaspoons
Cardamon - 2
Baking Dish - 1
Now that the ingredient list is done, lets move on to the actual process of making this chena podo.
Cheese Making Processes:
- Bring your 2 liters of milk to a boil
- Add your vinegar into this still boiling milk. All the while stirring the milk.
- As soon as you see that the cheese is getting separated from the milk, turn off the gas and immediately add the ice cubes. (The secret of ice cubes is that it stops the curdling process immediately, thereby leaving you soft cheese)
- Drain all the excess water from the cheese and then hang the cheese for about 30 minutes so that all the excess water drains. Leave the cheese to cool down.
That concludes the cheese making process. Whatever you do, please do not use packaged Paneer, it will never be the same. Always use fresh cheese for the authentic taste and texture.
- Fry the cashew nuts and raisins in the oil and set them aside
- Soak the semolina or sooji in a little water. Drain the water and then add it to the cheese.
- Add 1 cup of sugar to the cheese
- Start kneading the cheese, semolina and sugar mixture. You should knead it until you can feel no more sugar crystals. Remember the more you knead, the better it becomes.
- Crush the cardamons and add it to the cheese followed by the cashews and raisins and knead a little more.
- Keep aside for 30 minutes for the flavors to all mingle around.
Take a rest as I am sure, all the kneading would have made you tired....lolz..... Everything's nearly done now and all that's left is to create a sugar syrup coating
- Take the remaining half cup of sugar and add it to 1/4 cup of water and bring it to a boil. The sugar syrup should be a thick syrup, we don't want a runny syrup for this.
- Grease the baking dish with as little oil/ghee as possible (Not necessary, but you can do it)
- Spread the still hot syrup in the baking dish. Be careful as the syrup will be hard to spread but you have to do it as quickly as possible
- Spread the kneaded cheese mixture on top of the thick sugar syrup in an even layer
- If you have any extra syrup, then add at the top too (not necessary)
- Cover the dish with a good quality aluminium foil and make 4 or 5 slits in the foil.
Phew!! All that is left now, is to bake this mixture.
- Preheat your microwave to 250 degrees centigrade
- Place the baking dish inside the microwave and bake it for at least 45 minutes
- You can check at regular intervals by poking a tooth pick into the cheese mixture, if the tooth pick comes out clean, then that's a good sign that your baking is nearly complete.
Voila!!! Your Chena Podo is done. I can guarantee you, it is one of the tastiest sweets you would have ever tasted and healthy too :)
Do post your comments once you have tried the recipe to let me know your feedback.... :)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
MTV Unplugged
The term Unplugged has become a term used to describe music usually heard on amplified instruments such as electric guitar and synthesizer that is rendered instead on instruments that are not electronically amplified, for example acoustic guitar or traditional piano, although a microphone is still used. In otherwords songs that are not distorted and are unplugged from the amplifiers to make it acoustic. Many artists use unplugged songs in concerts and to show that they can do different versions of songs and showcase their tallents.
My first tryst with Unplugged music was a recording of the original Unplugged series on MTV showing Nirvana. Kurt Cobain with his mysterious eyes and the accoustic guitar in his hand...doled out magic......It was heavenly music.....I always have copy of that edition in my mobile or mp3 player even today.....
Recently MTV started an Unplugged edition in India. Initially I had been sceptical about it...I mean I could not think of what Indian songs would sound unplugged...because the difference was glaringly stark when rock music like that of Nirvana's was heard as unplugged. being me...I missed the first episode of MTV Micromax had featured the Sufi/Punjabi music star Rabbi Shergill.....I remembered all about the show, when on the next day I read a friend praising about the songs on where else but Facebook.
Still sceptical, I decided to check out the songs on Youtube...Boy was I in for a surprise.....the music sounded am not getting a word...hmm....let me put it that the music sounded pristine....and Rabbi's voice sounded mesmerizing....I was hooked onto it....instantly.....instant addiction.....
The second episode came on MTV last week and starred Mohit Chauhan...and I enjoyed it immensely again....notwithstanding the fact that I am a fan of Mohit.....but I would say that his performance compared quiet well with that of Rabbi...Rabbi is no doubt in a class of his own....a pedestal very few can reach...but Mohit did pretty well.....
I have decided to cancel all plans for any Saturday evenings and never again miss a episode..of MTV Unplugged.....Looking forward to the episode this Saturday....Guess who is coming on this weekend....None other than the Delhi based Indian of India's finest rock bands...... They are considered to be the pioneers of fusion rock genre in India. I had been to a live performance of Indian Ocean during my college had been an experience I can never forget....Grass was available for free.....there was no one in the audience who was not on a high.....those with an aversion for grass had alcohol.....No one can deny the fact....grass and rock music equals heaven.....lolz....(those were the days.....)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Team Party at GRT Grand
Our team, had been slogging for the last couple of months, what with the new contract being signed and the project model changing to 24x5. All this meant, the seniors in the project were working towards perfecting the new work model and doing knowledge transitions while the juniors were being inundated with a slew of applications as well as with an ever increasing pile of documents to study.
Anyways, as things have a way of going, the new model began and work has been continuing without any show stoppers for the last 1 month. Everyone was feeling busted after the surge of effort put down by each and every member of the team over the past few months. A welcome announcement came in the form of a planned team outing for the whole team. There was a flurry of activity post this announcement as everyone wanted to have a relaxing time. Options and opinions were bounced around but finally it was decided that a fine dinning dinner suited our purpose.
The team zeroed in on a couple of options, but finally we chose, GRT Grand Days. A four star Hotel where cricket players used to stay when matches were scheduled in Chennai.
The team outing pact was signed with an invitation to the whole team from your truly :)
The day was a Friday and the date 7-Oct-2011. A truly good beginning to a weekend for everyone in the team.
As often happens, plans or no plans, leaving from office ON an oxymoron, so although we had planned well in advance and intimated our onsite counterparts, we were late from leaving office. Time had been set at 7:30 PM but finally all of us trickled in by 8:30 PM only. What was this...we got to hear some bad news as soon as we had settled in....Nah!! it wasn't a Prod Severity issue nor was it someone from onsite hellbent on spoiling the party for not being was that our manager, Bala, could not make it.
Bala is the kind of man, who shows up in our office once in a couple of months, but with his disarming smile and friendly banter makes everyone feel at ease. Of course, he is a great company too. But it seems he had been held back in office because of some meetings. Anyways, Cynthia suggested let bygones be bygones and nevertheless enjoy the partyyyyy.............:)
The party began officially, and below are the images from the party.....
A MedImmune offshore party cannot be complete without Mr. Lappy over here.....Everyone say Hello to Mr. Lappy above...... :) :)
Here are two lovely ladies from the team. One an old hand (girls are always young, she is just one of the senior most resources ;-)) in the project and the other being one of the newest entrants in the project. I give you Raji and Lakshmi.... :)
Oh!!! And the guy with the unnatural tints is a relative newcomer who has surely earned his stripes in a short span of you Sridhar...... :)
Here we have again....SuperMan Sridhar (no super powers...just eyes which change colors every Friday)... I have absolutely no idea how this superman can save the world with his eyes......
Again we have two newbies who I am sure will earn their stripes just like SuperMan here....but I do hope they keep their undies inside and not on top of their pants ;-).....Presenting you HariShankar and Bubu..... :)
One man army....ladies and gentlemen...I give you Amalraj..... :) He seems to be having a smile on his face but is currently thinking..where the hell is my food.....I am hungry!!!!
The guy with the hidden secret talents....Don't worry I am not going to spill his beans here....Lets keep it at...that he has introduced quiet a few new things to the boys in the team....presenting you Sathish :)
Hats off to both the guys here....The award for Punctuality goes to them..They were here 5 minutes before time :) Presenting you Savio and Antony :)
Oh!!! No poking fun here ladies and gentlemen....Presenting you Cynthia.....our manager :)....Can't poke fun at her...after all she will be responsible for my appraisals ;-)...Just Kidding.....But she seems to be saying "Eat your food fast......and........" :) :) Sathish seems to be too scared and staring hard into his plate..... :)
One is currently the oldest member of the team.....a mentor par excellence for everyone in the team....a true holder of the SuperMan tag in the project.....give him any technology and he will dive headlong into a fish into water...Presenting you Balaji.... :) I have absolutely no idea...what his expressions are over here.... :)
The other is a shadow of Balaji....a true shadow, who just like a great mentor and a good guy....Presenting you Pandia..... :)
And presenting you...your truly....yep...its me.....Sri...... :) (Wanted to write 10000 adjectives.....but just 10000....hmmm would be kinda very less....lolz)
The Parrrttttyyyyy has begun.......Chow Time...guyz n gals..... :) :)
Look at the face of Balaji...its lit up like a birthday candle......just kidding....but the food was really tasty..... :) :).....So tasty that everyone had a smile on their faces.... :) :)
I am full....please I can't have anything more..... that's what Pandia seems to be praying here..... :)
This last picture....just about sums it all up.....Look of utter bliss and contentment.....Well done Bubu for finishing it up all!!!!
A heartfelt thanks to everyone who made it to the party however it was unfortunate that some of the designated invitees couldn't make it to the party.....but hey no problems.....I pray that this project is a grand success and may there be many such more parties....and Ohh!!Yes....Mr. Lappy is however not welcome in the future parties...... ;-)
WARNING: All of the comments on the pictures above have been pre-approved by Rajnikanth. So if you have any problems get in touch with Rajni Sir at your own risk to get them changed.
Anyways, as things have a way of going, the new model began and work has been continuing without any show stoppers for the last 1 month. Everyone was feeling busted after the surge of effort put down by each and every member of the team over the past few months. A welcome announcement came in the form of a planned team outing for the whole team. There was a flurry of activity post this announcement as everyone wanted to have a relaxing time. Options and opinions were bounced around but finally it was decided that a fine dinning dinner suited our purpose.
The team zeroed in on a couple of options, but finally we chose, GRT Grand Days. A four star Hotel where cricket players used to stay when matches were scheduled in Chennai.
The team outing pact was signed with an invitation to the whole team from your truly :)
The day was a Friday and the date 7-Oct-2011. A truly good beginning to a weekend for everyone in the team.
As often happens, plans or no plans, leaving from office ON an oxymoron, so although we had planned well in advance and intimated our onsite counterparts, we were late from leaving office. Time had been set at 7:30 PM but finally all of us trickled in by 8:30 PM only. What was this...we got to hear some bad news as soon as we had settled in....Nah!! it wasn't a Prod Severity issue nor was it someone from onsite hellbent on spoiling the party for not being was that our manager, Bala, could not make it.
Bala is the kind of man, who shows up in our office once in a couple of months, but with his disarming smile and friendly banter makes everyone feel at ease. Of course, he is a great company too. But it seems he had been held back in office because of some meetings. Anyways, Cynthia suggested let bygones be bygones and nevertheless enjoy the partyyyyy.............:)
The party began officially, and below are the images from the party.....
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Here are two lovely ladies from the team. One an old hand (girls are always young, she is just one of the senior most resources ;-)) in the project and the other being one of the newest entrants in the project. I give you Raji and Lakshmi.... :)
Oh!!! And the guy with the unnatural tints is a relative newcomer who has surely earned his stripes in a short span of you Sridhar...... :)
Here we have again....SuperMan Sridhar (no super powers...just eyes which change colors every Friday)... I have absolutely no idea how this superman can save the world with his eyes......
Again we have two newbies who I am sure will earn their stripes just like SuperMan here....but I do hope they keep their undies inside and not on top of their pants ;-).....Presenting you HariShankar and Bubu..... :)
One man army....ladies and gentlemen...I give you Amalraj..... :) He seems to be having a smile on his face but is currently thinking..where the hell is my food.....I am hungry!!!!
The guy with the hidden secret talents....Don't worry I am not going to spill his beans here....Lets keep it at...that he has introduced quiet a few new things to the boys in the team....presenting you Sathish :)
Hats off to both the guys here....The award for Punctuality goes to them..They were here 5 minutes before time :) Presenting you Savio and Antony :)
Oh!!! No poking fun here ladies and gentlemen....Presenting you Cynthia.....our manager :)....Can't poke fun at her...after all she will be responsible for my appraisals ;-)...Just Kidding.....But she seems to be saying "Eat your food fast......and........" :) :) Sathish seems to be too scared and staring hard into his plate..... :)
One is currently the oldest member of the team.....a mentor par excellence for everyone in the team....a true holder of the SuperMan tag in the project.....give him any technology and he will dive headlong into a fish into water...Presenting you Balaji.... :) I have absolutely no idea...what his expressions are over here.... :)
The other is a shadow of Balaji....a true shadow, who just like a great mentor and a good guy....Presenting you Pandia..... :)
And presenting you...your truly....yep...its me.....Sri...... :) (Wanted to write 10000 adjectives.....but just 10000....hmmm would be kinda very less....lolz)
The Parrrttttyyyyy has begun.......Chow Time...guyz n gals..... :) :)
Everyone seems to be enjoying their food..while Sridhar...seems more interested in the camera..... :)
Look at the face of Balaji...its lit up like a birthday candle......just kidding....but the food was really tasty..... :) :).....So tasty that everyone had a smile on their faces.... :) :)
I am full....please I can't have anything more..... that's what Pandia seems to be praying here..... :)
This last picture....just about sums it all up.....Look of utter bliss and contentment.....Well done Bubu for finishing it up all!!!!
A heartfelt thanks to everyone who made it to the party however it was unfortunate that some of the designated invitees couldn't make it to the party.....but hey no problems.....I pray that this project is a grand success and may there be many such more parties....and Ohh!!Yes....Mr. Lappy is however not welcome in the future parties...... ;-)
WARNING: All of the comments on the pictures above have been pre-approved by Rajnikanth. So if you have any problems get in touch with Rajni Sir at your own risk to get them changed.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Steve Jobs - The Edison of our Times
Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco on Feb. 24, 1955, and surrendered for adoption by his biological parents, Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, a graduate student from Syria who became a political science professor. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.
In a commencement address given at Stanford in 2005, he said he had decided to leave college because it was consuming all of his parents’ savings. Leaving school, however, also freed his curiosity to follow his interests. “I didn’t have a dorm room,” he said in his Stanford speech, “so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, I returned Coke bottles for the 5-cent deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.”
Returning to California, he took a job at Atari, the video games manufacturer, in order to save money for a "spiritual quest" to India. There he was converted to Zen Buddhism and vegetarianism and dabbled in hallucinogenic drugs.
One Steve met the other Steve i.e. Steve Wozniak sometime in 1975 and they became good friends. In 1976 Wozniak showed Jobs a computer he had designed for his own use. Jobs was impressed and suggested marketing it. They had no capital, but Jobs had a brilliant idea. By persuading a local store to order 50 of the computers, then asking an electrical store for 30 days credit on the parts to build them, they set up business without a single investor. They called it Apple Computers (which would lead to protracted legal battles with the company behind the Beatles' record label, Apple Corps) and launched their first product, the Apple 1. A year later the more sophisticated Apple 2 hit the jackpot, and by 1980, when the company went public, the pair were multimillionaires.
The strain of running a successful company soon began to tell. Employees complained of Jobs's "Management By Walking Around Frightening Everyone" technique and even he realised that more seasoned business experience was required. In 1983 he lured John Sculley, president of PepsiCo, to serve as Apple's chief executive, saying: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water to children, or do you want a chance to change the world?" Two years later the company launched the Macintosh, the first commercially successful small computer with a mouse-driven "graphical user interface".
But the clash of business cultures proved irreconcilable, and in 1985 Jobs was forced out by his own board. It was 12 years before he returned. During those years Jobs started Next Computing and bought what became Pixar from George Lucas, the director of Star Wars. Next was a techie's dream – Tim Berners-Lee wrote the software for the web on a Next computer – but a business failure. Pixar struggled for years until 1995, when it contracted with Disney to produce a number of computer-animated feature films. The first of these, Toy Story, broke box-office records and Pixar's flotation in 1996 made Jobs a billionaire. Over the next 10 years the studio went on to produce a string of hits including A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003) and The Incredibles (2004).

He was a conjurer, a modern magician who reached into tomorrow and came up with things that changed millions of lives. And as people gathered at Apple Stores from Sydney to San Francisco to mourn Steve Jobs, the feeling was more than grief for an executive or even an inventor. It was something closer to awe for a wizard. He was in many ways the Tomas Edison of our generation, having invented or overseen the inventions of things like the iPhone, iPad, Macintosh computer, Mac OS operating system, which was the original inspiration for the Windows operating system, and even the mouse, which was created to allow users to have greater control over a graphic interface, which itself was invented by Apple and Jobs. For people who have grown up in a world where iPod headphones are as ubiquitous as wristwatches were to a previous generation, Jobs was remembered as their Elvis Presley or John Lennon. Perhaps even their Thomas Edison.
Mr. Jobs himself never got a college degree. Despite leaving Reed College after six months, he was asked to give the 2005 commencement speech at Stanford.
In that address, delivered after Mr. Jobs was told he had cancer but before it was clear that it would ultimately claim his life, Mr. Jobs told his audience that "death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent."
The benefit of death, he said, is you know not to waste life living someone else's choices.
"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
Some of his most quotable quotes are:
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.”
"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
“I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23, and over $10,000,000 when I was 24, and over $100,000,000 when I was 25, and it wasn’t that important because I never did it for the money.”
“The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. And I don’t mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas, and they don’t bring much culture into their products.”
and the best being....
"Stay hungry Stay foolish"
R.I.P Steve.....You will be Missed.....and iSad :( :(
Monday, October 3, 2011
Dussehra Memmories.....
The breeze becomes cooler, the sun starts relenting, the music starts blaring a notch higher, happiness seems to be spreading its wings as everyone has a smile on thier face. This marks the onset of the Puja season. The season of Dusseraha, Kumar Purnima and Deepawali.
Dusseraha always has a habit of occurring at the best possible time for students, with no exams in sights for at least of couple of months. What good times does it bring?? Cousins come to visit, grand father and grandmothers decide to visit. Pocket money seems to increase. Shopping time for clothes and shoes. Sweet shops making colorful sweets in Pink and Orange and showcasing them on the road. Somehow, it never mattered to us if they were exposed to flies and dust the whole day. In short you can say everything that is good can be associated with the Puja.
The visit to friends places was of course mandatory and this being Puja you arrived resplendent in your new tailored clothes and shoes or slippers. Slowly there was a common place where all friends gathered starting from 4 PM. Loads of important debates were held. Mind you the debates of NDTV did not stand a chance with our debates being hard fought, neither side giving an inch to the other in the debate. Finally there used to be uneasy calm that would descend and the debate would be pushed to the back burner as the sun had set and the time to see the "Medha's" was fast approaching. After the last latecomers had arrived, a quick calculation of the total money available was done. It never mattered then, if one of the friends did not have any money, the others would readily agree to bear the share of his expense because this was Puja....the equivalent of Christmas .....and the air has a spirit of giving in it.
Cycles would have been already oiled properly and double riding would begin with the double riders periodically switching places. I marvel at the stamina we had then as a round trip of the whole cuttack city was normally done. Of course, it was not a non stop ride....We were not racing...we used to paddle around at leisure...Stop near each "Medha", near each Melody or Orchestra....listen to the beautiful rendition of oriya as well as Hindi block buster chart toppers......Then if one among us caught sight of a pretty girl....then that was the icing on the cake.....and if the girl returned a smile.....the cherry was placed on top of the icing......The cycle gang would follow the girl even though the girl was travelling towards the street where you had already seen the "Medhas"...who cared....the legs were not tired....they could afford another trip that road...and of course there was another smile on offer.....Finally the girl would speed off on her scooty or on the back seat of her dad/elder brothers bike....and the cycle gang would reluctantly have to return...
Famished by this chase, everyone would be on the lookout for some refreshments.....Gupchup Thela Gaadi in view.....park your cycles and queue up for some delicious GupChups.....followed by one full plate of Dahi Bara.....with a Soda bottle to down it all.......Stomachs satiated....we would all head out to the location having our favourite Melody Parties....and the songs......This used to be the routine for all of us....for the 3 days of Dusseraha....
Its been nearly 7 years...since I saw a Dusserah in Cuttack.....Cuttack has changed so much these days....This time I have several of my friends deciding to meet in Cuttack for Dusserah....but I could not make no holidays for me....Miss those days....and miss my friends....Hopefully I will catch sight of all the Medha's courtesy my friends who would post the pics on FB......
Dusseraha always has a habit of occurring at the best possible time for students, with no exams in sights for at least of couple of months. What good times does it bring?? Cousins come to visit, grand father and grandmothers decide to visit. Pocket money seems to increase. Shopping time for clothes and shoes. Sweet shops making colorful sweets in Pink and Orange and showcasing them on the road. Somehow, it never mattered to us if they were exposed to flies and dust the whole day. In short you can say everything that is good can be associated with the Puja.
The visit to friends places was of course mandatory and this being Puja you arrived resplendent in your new tailored clothes and shoes or slippers. Slowly there was a common place where all friends gathered starting from 4 PM. Loads of important debates were held. Mind you the debates of NDTV did not stand a chance with our debates being hard fought, neither side giving an inch to the other in the debate. Finally there used to be uneasy calm that would descend and the debate would be pushed to the back burner as the sun had set and the time to see the "Medha's" was fast approaching. After the last latecomers had arrived, a quick calculation of the total money available was done. It never mattered then, if one of the friends did not have any money, the others would readily agree to bear the share of his expense because this was Puja....the equivalent of Christmas .....and the air has a spirit of giving in it.
Cycles would have been already oiled properly and double riding would begin with the double riders periodically switching places. I marvel at the stamina we had then as a round trip of the whole cuttack city was normally done. Of course, it was not a non stop ride....We were not racing...we used to paddle around at leisure...Stop near each "Medha", near each Melody or Orchestra....listen to the beautiful rendition of oriya as well as Hindi block buster chart toppers......Then if one among us caught sight of a pretty girl....then that was the icing on the cake.....and if the girl returned a smile.....the cherry was placed on top of the icing......The cycle gang would follow the girl even though the girl was travelling towards the street where you had already seen the "Medhas"...who cared....the legs were not tired....they could afford another trip that road...and of course there was another smile on offer.....Finally the girl would speed off on her scooty or on the back seat of her dad/elder brothers bike....and the cycle gang would reluctantly have to return...
Famished by this chase, everyone would be on the lookout for some refreshments.....Gupchup Thela Gaadi in view.....park your cycles and queue up for some delicious GupChups.....followed by one full plate of Dahi Bara.....with a Soda bottle to down it all.......Stomachs satiated....we would all head out to the location having our favourite Melody Parties....and the songs......This used to be the routine for all of us....for the 3 days of Dusseraha....
Its been nearly 7 years...since I saw a Dusserah in Cuttack.....Cuttack has changed so much these days....This time I have several of my friends deciding to meet in Cuttack for Dusserah....but I could not make no holidays for me....Miss those days....and miss my friends....Hopefully I will catch sight of all the Medha's courtesy my friends who would post the pics on FB......
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