Title: Ayodhya: The Dark Night
Summary: The Secret History of Rama's Appearance in Babri Masjid
Author: Krishna Jha & Dhirendra K. Jha
I just finished reading this book titled Ayodhya: The Dark Night. I would recommend this book to every Indian for the very simple reason to understand about the politics which we are experiencing now.
In fact how many of us actually know about some of these facts:
- Ram Lalla never appeared miraculously in side the Babri Masjid, as held in popular belief. It was a vairagi by the name of Abhiram Das who actually placed the statues clandestinely.
- BJP was created by members of Congress Party who were Hindu Fundamentalists against the secularism preached by Gandhi and Nehru.
- The Hindu Mahasabha was the organization behind the Mahatma's assassination although for some strange reasons it could never be proved.
- People in the Mahasabha were opportunists whose only fundamental thought process was to make Muslims in India second class citizens.
- Nehru had the guts to kick the behinds of the perpetrators and was never weak as commonly understood by modern day Indian youth.
The systematic planned degradation of Muslims in post -partition India and especially Ayodhya is really eye opening. The narrative is breathtaking and has been painstakingly put together by the authors Krishna Jha and Dhirendra k. Jha who have interviewed the survivors of that clandestine plan.
The Hindu Mahasabha which had been linked to the Mahatma Gandhi assassination's had its back broken post that ghastly act by the combined effect of the Nehru/Patel led investigations and the popular discontent of the masses. I mean look at their thought process. They were under the impression they would first kill Gandhi ji and then follow it with a pogrom against the Muslims and in turn make India a Hindu "only" country. This was supposed to endear them to the masses and win them the elections. However their plans were decimated but they were not to be kept quiet for too long. They then hit on the golden plan of converting the mosque into a temple and strike the communal chord again. The book details the plans of how this was all done.
The book doesn't touch on the fact whether there was a temple originally there or not.
But hell, who cares, there was a place of worship there and it was desecrated on 22 Dec 1949 and later razed to the ground in 06 Dec 1992.
All in all a nice book to read if you want to know about the truth about Indian politics.